If you want to reduce bags under your eyes, drastic measures such as surgery, don’t have to be your only option.
When there is an excess amount of fluid in the face, it will tend to look puffy. Non-invasive techniques, such as as lymphatic massage can greatly reduce the buildup of fluid under the skin.
So, what exactly causes the lymphatic fluid to increase? This article reveals that a sluggish lymphatic system, skin issues, sinus problems, such as allergies, can cause unwanted puffiness. This fluid is made up of cellular waste that surrounds the cells, which creates swelling.
When the thin skin under the eye is stretched, it will become looser and eventually cause wrinkles and bags.
Let’s take a closer look on how to reduce bags under the eyes, by using simple massage techniques:
A light moisturizer or oil should be applied to the skin prior to massage, to prevent unnecessary pulling of the skin. Repeat this routine daily.
Movement 1
Gently place your middle fingers near the inner corner of each eye. Slowly and simultaneously, slide fingers towards the outside of each eye to the temples. Repeat this movement three times.
Movement 2
Gently place your middle fingers near the inner corner of each eye. Slowly and simultaneously, slide fingers over the top of each eye on the brow area, to the temples. Repeat this movement three times.
Movement 3
Gently place your middle fingers in between each eye. Slowly and simultaneously, slide fingers over the brow bone to the temples.
An option to this movement, is to also lightly pinch the brow area with the thumb and middle finger, while sliding. Repeat this movement three times.
Movement 4
Gently place your hands together in a prayer position on the forehead. Slowly and simultaneously, slide the heels of your hands apart, until fingers reach the temples. Repeat this movement three times.
In addition to lymphatic massage, there are several other things to keep in mind to reduce bags under the eye area:
Stay Hydrated
Drink plenty of water. It is recommended to consume half of your body weight in ounces to be completely hydrated. This will help flush out the lymphatic system along with any toxins that have built up.
Avoid Excess Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol will dehydrate the body. When that happens, we will naturally retain water, which results in further swelling and puffiness in the face and other parts of the body.
If you are going to drink alcohol, this article recommends limiting your consumption to only two drinks. You will benefit from drinking plenty of water before you go to bed, after drinking alcohol. It will help replenish lost fluids and flush out the toxins from the alcohol.
It is also a good idea to apply a skin tightening eye cream or moisturizer around the eye area after drinking, as well.
Always Sleep On Your Back
Sleeping on your back with an extra pillow under your head, will also help reduce bags under the eyes. When we sleep on our side or on our stomach, the fluid tends to pool under the skin and we wake up looking puffy.
Get Enough Sleep
Not getting the required amount of sleep will also cause dark circles around the eyes, as well as eye bags.
The Center For Disease Control recommends that adults aged 18 and over should get a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night.
By following the advice mentioned above, you should see a decrease in dark circles and will reduce bags, creating a more youthful appearance.
For further reading, check out: Astringent Vs Toner – Which Is Better For Your Skin or These 5 Habits Will Make Your Face Age Faster.