As an inspirational speaker, fitness expert, and TV star, Jack LaLanne had influence and expertise across numerous fields, one field being facial exercises. Jack maintained an excellent physique and complexion at 90 years old and beyond, and his legend continues to promote a healthy and nutritious lifestyle to homemakers worldwide.
The TV of History Jack LaLanne

From 1951 to 1985, Jack hosted The Jack Lalanne Show. It was a popular series aimed at helping people get in great shape. Due to a successful 34-years on air, Jack also holds a Guinness world record for the show.
While there were several exercise-based shows throughout the 1950s and 1960s, many describe The Jack Lalanne Show as the best. Jack was hugely inspirational, and despite his passing in 2011, many still look favorably towards his influence.
Jack LaLanne‘s Famous Facial Exercises
Jack LaLanne spoke about the incredible effects of facial exercises on his youthful looks. To help you achieve or maintain a fresh-faced and energetic appearance, we will look into ten essential facial exercises broadcasted by ‘The Godfather Of Modern Fitness’.

As part of the Jack Lalanne face exercise series, the activities below aim to strengthen the muscles in your neck and face and give you a glowing complexion.
1. Face Scrunch
The face scrunch exercise involves utilizing all the muscles in your face, from your forehead to your chin. It helps to increase blood flow and bring essential nutrients and oxygen to those areas, thus giving you a revitalized appearance.
Steps to Perform the Face Scrunch
Step 1: Start by facing forwards and relaxing your face. Begin by raising your eyebrows and opening your eyes wide.
Step 2: While performing step 1, open your mouth wide and close it with your lips touching each other. Continue these movements at least five times.
Step 3: Continue raising your brows and raise each cheek one at a time. Perform this step ten times for each check.
2. Jaw Movement

With the jaw movement exercise, you are reducing the appearance of lines around the corners of your mouth. It pulls the skin on your lower face upwards since it strengthens the muscles in the area.
Steps to Perform the Jaw Movement
Step 1: Open your mouth into a square and widen each section of your mouth clockwise.
Step 2: Continue widening your mouth by raising your left cheek, then lowering your lower left jaw. Next, drop your lower right jaw and lift your upper right cheek.
Neck Lift

For those who want to tone and strengthen the muscles in their neck area, the neck lift exercise would be beneficial. The activities involve straining the muscles in the neck to encourage oxygen circulation and exercise muscles.
Steps to Perform the Neck Lift
Step 1: Tilt your head backward to face the ceiling. You can stand up or sit down for this step but start by facing forwards.
Step 2: Close your mouth and tighten your neck muscles for one second, then relax.
Step 3: Repeat step 2 at least ten times. Depending on the shape of your neck, you may be able to see the muscles straining.
3. Lip Purse

If you have noticeable lines around your mouth, the lip purse exercise may help reduce the appearance of such lines in the area. The activity works on the skin and muscles around your lips, exercising the area and naturally removing fine lines.
Steps to Perform the Lip Purse
Step 1: Open your mouth as wide as possible and hold for one second.
Step 2: Begin closing your mouth but instead of closing it into a line, purse your lips so that your upper and lower lip form a crescent shape.
Step 3: Repeat steps 1 and 2 at least ten times. Purse your lips again, raise your left cheek, and then raise your right cheek.
4. Jaw Push
The jaw push exercise is ideal for firming up the neck and the chin line. To perform this exercise, you must lie on a flat surface with your back to the floor/surface. It utilizes your throat and chin, toning the muscles in those places.
Steps to Perform the Jaw Push
Step 1: Lie down on a flat area so your legs are straight and you are in a horizontal position.
Step 2: Tuck your chin to your neck, so it touches your neck. While your chin is still touching your neck, rotate your head to the right.
Step 3: Point your chin downwards and rotate your neck to the left. Perform this exercise eight times.
Step 4: While moving your head left to right, open your mouth wide, so you stimulate your jaw. Again, perform this step eight times.
5. Horizontal Head Bob
The horizontal head bob is a straightforward exercise that mainly uses your neck muscles to tone the neck and lower jaw area. Closing your eyes may help as the continuous head movements and turns may cause dizziness for some people.
Steps to Perform the Horizontal Head Bob
Step 1: Face forwards and move your head to face your left. At the end of this step, your chin should almost touch your left shoulder.
Step 2: Move your head to around 85 degrees to face your right. Continue the exercise at least 20 times and relax.
Directional Head and Neck Turn

The directional head and neck turn is a simple exercise that only involves turning your head and neck in order and holding each position. The practice helps stimulate neck muscles, thus helping to get rid of your double chin. Since it uses your neck muscles, it also firms up that area to reduce the appearance of a saggy neck.
The exercise requires the use of a chair with no arms. The intention is for you to lie on the chair horizontally with your chest to the seat. Completing this activity and performing it as part of your routine improves your posture.
Steps to Perform the Directional Head and Neck Turn
Step 1: Lay down on a chair with your chest on the seat. The tips of your feet should be on the floor. Place your hands on the floor to stabilize yourself. Your shoulders should be parallel to your hands. Use a cushion for comfort.
Step 2: While your hands are on the floor, move your head so your face faces the sky.
Step 3: Move your head again so it faces the ground. Continue moving your head in this way at least ten times.
Book Bite
The book bite exercise requires using a medium-sized book as a prop. Before using the book, make sure it is clean and dust-free. Preferably, it should be hardcover, so it is easier to control when you bite the book during the exercise.
Steps to Perform the Book Bite
Step 1: Sit down in a comfortable position and place the book’s spine between your lips. The spine should be thick enough for your mouth to be open at least 3 cm but thin enough for you to hold it between your lips.
Step 2: Close your eyes and bob your head upwards and downwards. When you move it upwards, you should feel a strain on the back of your neck. When you move your head downwards, you should be able to touch the book to your chest.
Step 3: Continue performing step 2 and moving your head upwards and downwards at least 20 times. Rest for five seconds and repeat.
Which Facial Exercise Works Best?
Depending on what you want to achieve, different facial exercises will be the most beneficial. For those interested in toning their neck, the neck lift training or directional head and neck turn would be advantageous. Alternatively, the face scrunch or lip purse would benefit people who want to focus on their face.

Nonetheless, as mentioned by Facial Exercise Central, a consistent routine that helps to stimulate all facial muscles would yield more favorable results in the long term. Compared to focusing on a particular area, working out all the muscles on your face and neck can result in outstanding results.
Facial Exercise Alternatives
Other than facial exercises, some products and treatments may help you achieve a more toned and firmer face. Frequent application of proven moisturizers can help accomplish those goals. However, selecting the most effective type of cream or moisturizer can require a lot of research if you have a unique skin type or skin condition.
Another alternative to facial exercises is cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery can yield visible results after the recovery period. Similar to facial exercises, there are different surgeries to target specific areas. Over the past few years, surgery has become more popular as a solution to retain a youthful complexion.
On the other hand, cosmetic surgery has several disadvantages compared to routinely performing facial exercises. The disadvantages of surgery involve a lengthy recovery time, risk of infection, financial costs, and more.
Jack LaLanne is well-known in the facial exercises community, and many individuals still utilize his exercises as part of their daily routine. If you want to retain your good looks or help firm the muscles in your face and neck, consider trying Jack LaLanne’s exercises. Stick to a few activities, perform them according to the instructions above, and see the exceptional results they bring to your face.