Crows feet are an inevitable part of aging. These fine lines along the outside of the eyes can start to appear as soon as the early twenties.
As we age through our twenties, you will notice that these pesky wrinkles will start to get deeper and more prominent. When this happens, we start to look much older than we actually are.
Crows feet are sometimes referred to as “laugh lines” You may wonder what the cause of laugh lines may be. The every day expressions we use, such and smiling and laughing are a prime contributor to this factor.
We can’t go through life avoiding smiling and being happy, so what are the alternatives to battling eye wrinkles?
Let’s take a closer look at several tips on how to reduce and prevent crows feet:
1. Wear Sunscreen
The ultra violet rays of the sun can wreak havoc on the skin, especially on the delicate skin around the eyes.
This article reveals that one of the most important things we can do to stop the progression of crows feet, is to protect our eye area with sunscreen. For maximum protection, apply a sunscreen of 30 SPF or higher, whenever you spend any length of time outdoors.
2. Use Protective Eye Wear
Wearing sunglasses that have lenses with UV protection, will add another layer of protection to this delicate area of the face. You will want to ensure that the lenses are large enough to cover the surrounding area of the eyes, so they are not exposed to sunlight.
Wearing sunglasses will also prevent squinting, which is also a contributor to fine lines and wrinkling.
3. Include Foods In Your Skin Care Regimen
It is recommended in this article, to eat a healthy diet, rich in anti-oxidant foods. An example of these foods would be grapes. These are not only for ingestion, but grapes can also be mashed and applied to the skin for additional benefits.
Another amazing food for the skin are avocados. Simply mash up a half of an avocado and apply to the face, focusing on your crows feet. This will help stimulate the production of collagen in the skin, which makes the skin tighter and more supple. The crows feet will plump up and be less visible.
4. Use Coconut Oil On The Skin
Coconut oil includes large mounts of vitamin E, which is extremely nourishing to the skin. It will help to plump up the fine lines, by moisturizing and hydrating the area.
For the best benefits, gently apply a small amount coconut oil around the eye and let it absorb into the skin. Be mindful not to tug or pull on this delicate area, as this could cause further wrinkling to occur.
5. Stop Smoking
Cigarette smoking is not only unhealthy for your lungs, but it is also one of the worst things you can do for your skin. It speeds up the aging process and will increase the appearance of crows feet and other facial wrinkles.
Cigarette smoke increases the free radicals in your body and on your skin, which promotes premature aging. Smoking yourself is overall very unhealthy, but being around other smokers, also has a negative impact on your skin and health as well.
It is best to refrain from smoking or being around it, if you want to avoid looking older than you actually are.
By following the advice mentioned above, you will be able to slow down the aging process on your skin, as well as increase overall health and wellness.
For further reading, check out: 5 Budget Friendly Ways To Keep Your Face Feeling Refreshed and 5 Winter Skin Care Tips To Avoid Dryness.
Image: Flickr