Doing facial exercises on a regular basis is a great way to look more youthful. All it takes is a little time and commitment and you will be on your way to firmer and less wrinkled skin.
The results of facial exercises can be subtle in the beginning stages of starting your regimen. You may not be able to notice them right off the bat, because it happens so gradually.
Let’s take a look at how to know if your facial exercises are working:
Take Pictures
Before you start your facial exercise routine, get out your phone or camera and take some pictures of your face. Get some shots that have your most unflattering angles.
Some different examples of shots would be: one from each side, eye close ups that show crow’s feet and neck photos to show sagging.
You will also want to get photos of your jawline, jowls and a closeup of your forehead that shows and wrinkles that may be present.
Make sure that you use natural lighting when taking the photos to get an exact representation of how you look.
Take the same photos every two weeks and compare the results. The lighting should be the same in each batch, so try to take the pictures at the same time every day.
Compare Images
Once you have several weeks worth of images, put them next to one another and compare the difference.
Do you see less lines on the surface of your skin? Does the texture look smoother? Is there less sagging and drooping in the jowl area?
Show your photos to family and friends and see if they notice improvements that you may have overlooked. Sometimes, we are our worst critics and need an outside influence to give us their unbiased opinion.
Record Observations
Record your observations in a notebook along with the progressive photos for each pose. Continue evaluating and photographing your progress and adding to the notebook.
Before you know it, you will have an entire series of pictures that show the improvement in your skin. You will be able to see that all of your time and effort is paying off.
Exercise Tracker
You can also use the notebook to record which exercises you are doing and how often.
It may help you to stay on task if you create an exercise tracker that you can tick off each day after you perform each exercise. You can add new exercises to the list as needed.
How Long Will It Take To See Improvement?
An article in Good Housekeeping suggests that if you commit to a thirty-minute per day routine of facial exercises, you will look a few years younger in at least five months. Considering that you don’t have to leave your home or be injected with Botox or fillers, that isn’t a bad deal.
Now that you have the tools you need to record your progress, it is time to start doing your facial exercises. In no time, you should start seeing the benefits and the results you are looking for.
In addition to facial exercise, be sure to take good care of your skin from the inside out.
Eat a healthy diet, rich in green leafy vegetables, drink plenty of water to hydrate your skin, wear sunscreen daily to prevent damaging UV rays from the sun. Always moisturize your skin with a product dedicated to your skin type.
By following the above tips, you should be well on your way to looking younger and feeling more confident about the way you look.
For further reading, check out: How To Achieve A Healthy Glow Without Getting Pregnant and If You Apply Your Makeup Wrong, You Can Add Years To Your Face – Over 50.