Exercises for reducing wrinkles are not only convenient, but they are also very easy to do. You can perform them almost anywhere and they don’t take up a lot of time.
The greatest part, is that face exercises really work! If you are consistent in doing your exercises every day, you should definitely notice an improvement.
How Do Exercises For Reducing Wrinkles Work?
When we exercise the facial muscles, we are not only affecting the top layer of skin, which is called the epidermis. The dermis and hypodermis layers are also involved in the process. Those are the middle and bottom layers of the skin.
Blood circulation is increased when we exercise the face. This helps to feed and nourish the skin cells, which will give a more youthful and glowing appearance. It also helps flush toxins from the skin, which helps to decreases blemishes.
The ability for the skin to absorb moisture is also increased, if facial exercises are performed regularly. Serums and other topical products will penetrate easily, which will make them more effective.
Try These Facial Exercises For Reducing Wrinkles
Warm Up The Face
Just like when you exercise your body, warming up is important when doing facial exercises, as well.
Take a few minutes at the start of your routine to gently pat your face in quick motions, with your fingers flat and held together. Go over the entire face with this motion to increase blood circulation and to wake up the muscles.
You can also give yourself a short face massage instead if you prefer. This will help loosen the muscles and prime them up for your workout.
Cheek Exercise
This exercise will help plump sagging skin in the cheek area and jowl line.
With your lips firmly shaped into an “O” shape, try to smile while keeping your lips in the “O” position. Hold that smile for ten seconds and then repeat the exercise three more times.
Full Face Exercise
This article recommends performing a long time favorite exercise for actors and models.
Simply relax your face and shoulders. Take several deep breaths and then pronounce each of the vowels, A, E, I, O and U.
When you say each letter, do so with strong emphasis, opening your mouth wide and make exaggerated movements to stretch the muscles.
Eye Lift Exercise
This is a simple motion that is best performed in the morning. It will help reduce puffiness after sleeping and will open up the lids.
With your index fingers held flat, place them across the top of the brow line. While squeezing your eyes closed, try to slowly lift up your eyebrows. Hold for three seconds. Repeat this exercise three times.
Tension Reducer
Tight facial muscles can create wrinkles and fine lines. To help combat this, try this exercise.
Wash your hands thoroughly before you start. Open your mouth an insert your index finger. Using the tip of your finger, swirl it around against each side of your cheek. Use slow, fluid motions and stretch out the the tight muscles cause by clenching and stress.
This is a great exercise to do before bed after a long, hard day.
When you incorporate facial exercises into your daily skin care routine, you will begin to see the fine lines and wrinkles start to diminish. You will sport a new healthy glow and look more radiant than ever before.
For the healthiest skin, stay hydrated and eat a healthy diet. Always use sunscreen to protect the skin from the sun’s damaging rays.
For further reading, check out: The Powerful Anti-Aging Benefits of Meditation and Why You Need To Add A Rose Quartz Face Roller To Your Beauty Routine.
Image: Flickr