Forehead wrinkles can be caused by a number of reasons. Improper skin care can be an important factor in the development of these lines.
Additionally, genetics may also play a role in the amount of aging of the skin. Forehead wrinkles may be a trait that runs in your family.
Despite that, there are ways we can help prevent them from developing or deepening.
Let’s take a closer look at several tips to prevent or reduce forehead wrinkles:
1. Protect Your Skin From The Sun
The ultraviolet rays of the sun are quite damaging to the skin and can be very dangerous, as well.
Overexposure of the sun is also known to cause melanoma, which is an aggressive form of skin cancer. Protecting your skin is extremely important for overall health.
When going outdoors, the FDA recommends using a sunscreen with a 15 SPF or higher. It should be applied per the directions on the package. Be mindful to reapply as necessary.
Wearing a large brimmed hat, while outdoors, will also help prevent the sun exposure on your forehead and face.
2. Stay Hydrated
When our bodies are fully hydrated, it will show in the appearance of our skin. It will look brighter, healthier and the fine lines and wrinkles will be less noticeable.
It is suggested to drink half of your weight in ounces, for the body to be fully hydrated.
Consuming a sufficient amount of water will help flush out the harmful toxins in the body. These toxins contribute to aging, including aging of the skin. This will present itself as forehead wrinkles and other lines on the face, neck and body.
3. Avoid Smoking
Cigarette smoking is not only bad for the internal body, but it has aging effects on the skin, as well.
Smoking restricts the oxygen levels in the body and also deprives the body and skin of required nutrients. When this occurs, fine lines and wrinkles will appear. Forehead wrinkles are very common in heavy smokers.
The act of being in a room full of smoke can also wreak havoc on the skin. If you find yourself in a situation with a lot of smoke, make sure you cleanse your face when you get home.
4. Avoid Drinking Alcohol
Drinking alcohol depletes the body of much needed water, which in turn, dries out the skin. When the skin is dry, it is more prone to fine lines and wrinkles.
This article reveals that you can prevent dehydration by drinking water between your alcoholic beverages. This will help the skin stay plump and fine lines will not be as visible.
When drinking excessively, you can develop deeper lines over time, which will be irreversible. Nip it in the bud by limiting your alcohol intake to keep those forehead lines and other signs of aging at bay.
5. Keep Skin Moisturized
Dry skin can contribute to the formation of forehead wrinkles and other signs of aging. This is not only caused by lack of hydration from within the body, but it also is caused from a depletion of moisture on the surface of the skin.
Choose a moisturizer that is designated for your particular skin type. Apply daily after cleansing. Use a night cream to lock in moisture as you sleep.
Following the suggestions above, will help keep your forehead lines at bay and will also help reduce your finer lines that are developing.
Be consistent in your skin care regimen and your diet. Always protect your skin from the sun and you will stay looking youthful.
For further reading, check out: 5 Budget Friendly Ways To Keep Your Face Feeling Refreshed and 4 Signs You Need A Facial Exercise Program.
Image: Flickr