You can cause skin damage and not even realize it. Life gets so busy these days, that it is easy to let skin care slip our minds.
When we take care of our skin, we will stay looking youthful and vibrant. We can help to slow down the signs of aging by paying close attention to these important details.
There are a number of things we can do to protect our skin from premature aging and other damage.
Let’s take a closer look at some various ways you can cause skin damage:
1. Failure To Use Sunscreen
Using sunscreen is one of the most important things you can do to protect your skin. It blocks the harmful ultra violet rays of the sun.
The sun feels wonderful when it hits your skin, so warm and inviting, but prolonged and unprotected exposure is not healthy.
The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using a sunscreen of 30 SPF or higher.
2. Using The Wrong Products
When caring for your skin, be mindful of the type of products you are applying.
If you have dry skin, make sure you are not using products which contain a lot of alcohol or astringent. You want to avoid further drying the skin. Concentrate on hydrating the skin with the use of serums and moisturizers.
3. Not Staying Hydrated
Even if you hydrate your skin topically, staying internally hydrated is equally as important. When your body is fully hydrated, your skin will appear radiant and fine lines will be less visible.
It is recommended in this article by Mayo Clinic, that men should drink 3.7 liters of water per day. It suggests that women should drink 2.7 liters of water per day, in order to be fully hydrated.
Of course these totals can be flexible, depending on how much you have been perspiring or if you have been eating foods with a high water content.
4. Cleansing Habits
Not cleansing your skin before bed can cause skin damage. Your cosmetics, along with the dirt and debris from the environment, should be removed from your skin before you go to sleep.
If you don’t wash your face at night, it can increase blemishes, blackheads and other skin inflammations.
It is also a good idea to apply your night creams and serums after cleansing the face before bed. This will keep your skin moisturized and nourished.
5. Smoking and Drinking
Smoking and drinking alcohol should be avoided, as they are very damaging to the skin.
Drinking dehydrates the body, which leaves the skin looking dry, flaky and sallow. It can also create dark circles under the eyes.
Smoking depletes the body of oxygen, which is unhealthy overall. It also puts harmful toxins in the body, which are damaging to the skin and overall health.
6. Diet
Eating a diet high in processed foods, fried foods and food high in sugar, is damaging to your skin.
Alternatively, eat a diet rich in green leafy vegetables. Avoid an abundance of fast food and sugar filled snacks. Opt for a healthy diet, with lean meats, fruits, vegetables and nuts.
7. Not Getting Enough Sleep
When we get too little sleep, it can put a toll on our mind and body. It will show in the appearance of your skin.
The Centers for Disease Control suggests that adults get 7-8 hours of sleep per night,
Taking the above points into consideration and implementing them into your daily lifestyle should keep your skin looking it’s best.
For further reading, check out: What Can You Do About Damaging Sun Spots and 6 Super Foods For Skin Radiating Benefits.
Image: Flickr