Sagging jowls and cheeks are at the top of the list of the most disliked signs of getting older.
As the years go by, it is inevitable that our faces will start showing signs of aging. Jowls and loose skin on the cheek areas are the most noticeable features, which can make us feel self conscious. It is a tell tale sign of how old we really are and most of us like to keep that a secret.
You may be afraid the your taut and smooth skin are a thing of the past, but you shouldn’t fear. Sagging jowls and cheeks can be easily treated by performing several key facial exercises.
Let’s take a look below, at two of the best exercises for jowls and cheeks:
Jowl Tightener
This article recommends adding the following exercise into your regular daily routine. It will help tighten the facial and chin areas. When done correctly, you should also see a reduction in the loose skin in your jowl area.
The first movement in this exercise is to close your mouth. Next, move your lower jar in a forward and upward motion, lifting your lower lip. Hold this position for ten to fifteen seconds, then return to original position and repeat ten to fifteen times.
When done correctly, you will feel the muscles stretching in the jawline and under the chin.
Cheekbone Definer
An exercise mentioned in this article targets the cheek and cheekbone area. The result of performing these movements on a regular basis, is smoother skin on your cheeks and a well defined cheekbone.
While sitting up, with your neck and back straight, lightly close your mouth. Next, make a pucker motion with your lips, so that it resembles a pout.
Be mindful to use the muscles in your cheeks to create the pout. If you are unsure, just place your fingers lightly on your cheeks to make sure those are the muscles that you are using.
Hold this motion for ten seconds and release. You should repeat this exercise ten times every day.
A sculpted jawline and prominent cheekbones can still be possible, no matter what your age. The key to maintaining a smooth and taut appearance, is consistence. In order for the above exercises to be effective, you must do them every day.
In addition to doing the above exercises on a regular basis, you must implement other skin care practices, as well.
One of the best tips is to stay hydrated, by drinking plenty of water. When our bodies are dehydrated on the inside, it will show on the outside. Our skin will become wrinkled and dry. If we drink enough water, you will plump up the skin, making it look fuller. Fine lines will also be less visible.
You should also eat a healthy diet, which is rich in green leafy vegetables. Avoid processed, fatty foods and sugar. The healthier you eat, the better your skin will look.
For further reading, check out: Facial Tapping – What Are The Benefits And Does It Really Work? and Facial Yoga – The Best Exercises For Toning Skin.
Image: Flickr